Finnish Lapphund Rescue
1. The rescue mission of the FLCA is in the support of organizations and individuals that rescue Finnish Lapphunds by providing information, education and support services.
2. The FLCA does not endorse nor recommend any rescue organization. Rescue organizations listed herein meet the qualifications of rescuing primarily Finnish Lapphunds.
3. The FLCA does not guarantee the services of any rescue organization and the criteria they use for fostering, adopting, and the placing of dogs.
4. The FLCA does not accept donations for rescue and any other purposes.
5. The FLCA is a 501 (c ) 7 Social Club.
a. Social Clubs are exempt from federal income tax under IRC 501 as organizations described in IRC 501 ( c ) 7 if they are organized for pleasure, recreation, and other nonprofitable purposes. The central purpose of social clubs is to provide benefits to its members, when such benefits are funded by the members, (dues).