Code of Ethics
FLCA Code of Ethics
The members of the Finnish Lapphund Club of America are committed to the preservation and improvement of the breed. In applying for and maintaining membership, the applicant agrees to further the FLCA’s objectives as stated in the Constitution and Bylaws and conduct themselves in all activities in connection with the breed in accordance with this Code of Ethics.
1. The FLCA member accurately registers Finnish Lapphunds with the American Kennel Club and abides by American Kennel Club rules and regulations. The member keeps accurate records of their dogs and breedings.
2. The FLCA member is a responsible dog owner who will provide a loving home, with adequate care, nutrition, veterinary services, and cleanliness. Breeders actively work to place all puppies in loving homes and are committed to the health and safety of all dogs they produce for the entirety of the dog’s life, including taking dogs back or assisting with rehoming as necessary.
3. A responsible breeder makes every effort to learn about genetics, reproduction, effective puppy raising, and seeks to continue learning. Prospective breeders should seek out a mentor and experienced breeders should share their knowledge.
4. Breedings should only be done with the purpose of preserving the breed to the standard with mature (at least 18 months, preferably 24 months) dogs in good health. Both dogs should be health tested to their country of origin’s standards. Hips should be free of dysplasia as determined by OFA, PennHip, equivalent foreign registry, or Board Certified Veterinary Radiologist. Eyes should be examined by a Veterinary Ophthalmologist and any defects noted should be considered in breeding decisions. Other genetic defects and diseases that should be considered in breeding decisions include, PRA, elbows, patellas, DM, Pompe’s and others as available. Breeders will perform genetic tests, making the results publicly available, and make informed decisions about breedings, including providing results and information to potential puppy buyers.
5. The FLCA recommends contracts between all parties involved in breedings and sale of puppies.
6. The FLCA member does not supply puppies or adults to pet shops, brokers, puppy mills, research laboratories, raffles and auctions, or other contests. When advertising, the FLCA member is factual about their Finnish Lapphunds.
7. The FLCA member exhibits Finnish Lapphunds in conformation, companion, and performance events in conformity with the rules for the American Kennel Club as well as other breed and canine performance organizations and in the spirit of good sportsmanship. When traveling with Finnish Lapphunds, the FLCA member makes reasonable efforts to maintain hotels and show grounds in a clean condition.
8. When confronted by a situation not covered by this Code of Ethics, the FLCA member conducts oneself in the best interest of the breed and club and as they would like to be treated in a similar circumstance.
Failure to conduct oneself in compliance with this Code of Ethics shall be considered prejudicial to the best interests of the Finnish Lapphund breed. Upon receipt of sufficient written proof of violation of this Code of Ethics, the Board of Directors will proceed according to the Constitution and Bylaws of the FLCA.
Revised June 2023
Approved October 2023