Finnish Lapphund Breeder Listing
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Breeder Listing Disclaimer
The FLCA does not endorse nor recommend any individual or kennel.
Any breeder listed herein is a member in good standing of the FLCA and has given permission to list and release their names to individuals inquiring about the breed.
The FLCA strongly advises that you research breeders carefully in regard to their standards of quality and that their ethics meet your expectations.
The FLCA does not guarantee the services of any listed breeder.
There are other Club members in good standing who have chosen to remain unlisted.
The selection of a breeder and a puppy is an important decision.
Get agreements and expectations in writing.
It is imperative that as a prospective new puppy owner, you become familiar with the Breed, the Breed Standard, how to groom and care for your new puppy, and also learn what the health defects are in the breed.
E-code of ethics signed • I-information • P-puppies • S-stud service/reproductive service available • C-conformation • A-agility • O-obedience • D-dogs • R-referral
Arizona - FaeryWind Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, S, C, A, O, R - faerywindlappies@gmail.com
California - Elevare Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, S, C, O, R - hello@elevarefinnishlaphunds.com
Florida - Forest Trail Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, S, C, A, O, D, R - foresttraillappies@gmail.com
Florida - Seahaven Finnish Lapphunds
E, P, S, I, C, A, O, D, R - seahavenlappies@gmail.com
Maine - Rebel Gold Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, C, O, D, R - rebelgoldflapphunds@gmail.com
Massachusetts - Lighthouse Lapphunds
C, E, I, P, S - leosbythesea@gmail.com
Michigan - Calaban Finnish Lapphunds
I, P, D, S, R, E - brillinger@i2k.com
Michigan - Nakina’s Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, S, C, O, D, R - gvereen8@gmail.com
Michigan - Tulikettu Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, C, A, O - tulikettukennel@gmail.com
Mississippi - TaylorMade Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, S, C, D, R - taylormadelappies@gmail.com
New Hampshire - Midnight White
E, I, P, S, C, R - midnightwhitesiberians@gmail.com
New Hampshire - Snow King Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, S, C, A, D, R - snowkinglappies@gmail.com
New Jersey - Curticey Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, S, C, O, D, R - curticeylappies@gmail.com
New York - Midnight Island Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, S, C, D, R - midnightislandlappies@yahoo.com
New York - Wyntre Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, S, C - wyntrekennels@gmail.com
Pennsylvania - Breakwater Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, P, C, O, R - celticdee@msn.com
Utah - Katydid
E, I, S, C, A, R - katie.bug98@me.com
Washington - MysticalMagic Finnish Lapphunds
E,I,C,D,R - mysticalmagiclappies@gmail.com
Washington - Onyx
E, I, P, S, C, A, O, D, R - goldenonyx@hotmail.com
Wisconsin - Yutori Finnish Lapphunds
I, P, D, S, C, O, A, R, E - yutorilappies@gmail.com
Wyoming - NordicSol Finnish Lapphunds
E, I, C, D, R - nordicsolfinnishlapphunds@gmail.com
Resources & Education
How to Pick a Puppy- The American Kennel Club
Choosing, raising and enjoying your puppy - The American Kennel Club
Responsible Dog Ownership - The American Kennel Club
Registering Your Dog - The American Kennel Club