Judges Education
The Finnish Lapphund Club of America (FLCA) provides educational material and seminars for prospective, provisional and approved AKC judges. The FLCA has qualified breed mentors who can help prospective judges fulfill the AKC requirements for ringside mentoring. Attending specified shows and the annual FLCA supported entry provides judges with the opportunity for ringside mentoring. Information on the FLCA current and past specialties can be found on the FLCA website.
Candidates who are currently judging the Finnish Lapphund or those who are considering the addition of the breed are strongly encouraged to observe the breed during major entries at local shows and supported entries. Observers should follow the rules for observations on the AKC website. All prospective judges are strongly encouraged to obtain “The Illustrated Standard".
The FLCA welcomes all current and aspiring judges to contact us with any questions regarding the Finnish Lapphund or your judging experiences.
AKC Breed Standard - American Kennel Club
Finnish Lapphund Breed Test PDF
AKC Judges Resource Center - American Kennel Club
AKC Ringside Observation Criterion PDF
AKC Seminars - American Kennel Club
AKC Breed Exams - American Kennel Club