Hall of Fame
Ryppy 46 Titles 2019
Sugarok Harkaryppy has - to date (2019) 46 AKC titles. He won his first HIT (high in trial, all breed obedience) June 14, 2011.
He has won over 15 all breed HIT.
He is the first Finnish Lapphund to win a OTCH (Obedience Trial Champion, obedience),UDX (utility dog excellent, obedience), and OM (obedience master, obedience). He also earned a MACH (master agility champion, agility) and a PACH (preferred agility champion agility). He competed and placed (4th in the herding group, 12th nationally) in the Obedience Championships in 2013. He competed in the Agility Nationals in 2015 ending up 13th nationally for his jump height. He is truly a trail blazer for the breed.
Mikee RBIS May 2018
Sugarok Magic Mike is the first Finnish Lapphund to win a RBIS (reserve best in show) on May 19, 2018.
He won his first HIT (high in trial, all breed obedience) on June 13, 2018.
Tavvi 2004
Sugarok Nautittavvi was the first Finnish Lapphund to earn a UD (utility dog obedience),
MX (master excellent standard, agility) and MXJ (master excellent jumpers, agility) in 2004.
Cosmo Trick Dog Elite Performer 2020
Cosmo - Starfyre Sugarok As You Wish - is the first Finnish Lapphund to complete all levels of the AKC Trick Dog title series in July 2020. He earned his first trick title at 5 months old and at 2 years old earned the top title, the Elite Performer (TKE). In “Cosmo Does Yardwork”, Cosmo performed 10 tricks in a continuous routine showing how helpful he can be around the yard.